Thursday, 28 February 2013

Coming Soon part III

So, I know I have been posting sneak peeks for weeks, but hopefully, this is the last one before the release.
I think you know what it is now.. so it's just eye candy. And of course, to reassure people that I'm still alive.

Oh, by the way, I now have a Simblr, which will be my base of operations, so to speak.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

What's coming soon?

Well, a few weeks ago, I hinted at some incoming stuff.
I'm proud to announce that we are almost done;
and our brand new, bug-free set will be ready for download in no time.

Here is another sneak-peak:

Watch this space,
in the meantime, can you guess what this is?

Thursday, 14 February 2013


Apparently, people want more Redcoats.
Keep your eye out for Set III, the best so far!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Cortana from Halo

Hello all, so I have been away for a while. Sorry about that. I've been really busy. But I guess you won't be mad at me when you see what I've been making. Shh. I know this is not usual historical stuff too, but the description does say "Halo". This is gaming CC first, historical second. This pack comes with a Cortana sim, with custom clothes and makeup for her (made by yours truly). She is in the Halo Legends style, so like a combination of Halo 4 and 3 Cortana. I made this ages ago, and I couldn't be bothered uploading it. But I have now. SO ENJOY!